About Keep Me Safe in Europe

This is a short review of the origin and history of the Keep Me Safe in Europe project by one of its main proponents, professor Darren Sharpe.

This e-learning tool is focused on recognition, telling and help with neglect and abuse experienced by young people criss-crossing Europe. It came out of a pilot game hosted by Walsall Council (UK) and developed in collaboration with EUC and SEERC, in combination with an English-based study on young people’s experiences of the child protection system funded by the Office of Children Commissioner in England.

The idea for the e-learning tool came out of research findings and practice learning which had involved young people as co-investigators and inventors.  As a result, the co-production of this innovative e-learning tool responds to an identified need and will help keep young people safe by providing a fun, culturally-specific and multi-lingual platform to understand and locate sources of help.

The European migrant crisis of 2015 puts into sharp focus the need for youth-friendly information in how to locate and access help in a new country. European and non-European children and young people need reliable sources of information at their fingertips when they are far from ‘home’. 

The free movement of worker (and workers families) is a fundamental principle of the European Union and will continue into the foreseeable future for EU nationals.

Keep Me Safe: Prototype Development

This post is from Keep Me Safe in Europe game designer, Pietro Polsinelli.

In our opening post from the game development team (presented and linked below), we present some graphic material from the game studies and from current development.

The game play core idea is that in game play we go through the life of a character, to whom unpleasant events of different level are happening, and we decide the kind of reactions case by case. The development team is now focused in producing a working prototype where some sample life stories can be played.

First graphic line

Keep Me Safe in Europe first graphic line


Elements from current development

In this gallery we present some screenshots from the current game design and assets.



Core Team

This is the core team developing the Keep Me Safe in Europe game:

Pino Panzarella – illustration, design, sound design

Matteo Bicocchi – design, development, user interface, effects

Pietro Polsinelli – game design, development